Friday, November 4, 2011

Musical Toys

They say the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. And if they haven't, its about time somebody did! I gathered some pictures of my Kawai CP451 and my Wurlitzer 4520, along with my son Robert's favorite guitars, and uploaded them to a Picassa Web Album, and here is the link: Instrument Slides
I wanted to do something with a slide show because my Blogger classmate, Selah, has lots of photos she wants to share. She has a very well written blog going. It makes for quite interesting reading. Click here to view it.
Wurlitzer 4520. From roadhouse to my house
and now needing a new home.
Now then, about these instruments, Pictured above is a Wurlitzer 4520 that was made in the 1970s and still has that wonderful Wurlitzer sound with all voices, keys and pedals in perfect working order. 4520 was my first real buddy before I hooked up with CP175, discussed in Current Piano Musings.
The other instruments in the slide show belong to my son, Robert, who is an actual performing bass guitarist.
Robert and Baxter
1962 Fender Bass
Robert calls the Fender bass, Robby Jr. because it is the same age as he is. 
He also has a Baxter and a traveling bass and lots of other stuff that I don't know anything about.


Rob Vollmer said...

Good blog. Love the photos, too! As far as the basses go, they look very cool. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I have about 15 basses now. Yes, 15! I have the greatest wife ever and she lets me have them because she knows they make me happy. Most of them are vintage Fenders from the '50's through the '70's. They sound & play like a dream!

Your keyboards are looking great, too! Thanks for sharing!

Keep up the great work!

Jeri said...

I <3 that organ. So many memories. My favorite memory I actually told to someone this week was when you were playing wipe out when Mom was doing the dishes. You would play the song faster which made Mom do the dishes faster and faster then she finally shouted STOP IT!!!

<3 Jeri